System Options - Planner Items

In the different Planners there are a number of categories of information. This screen is divided into the same categories and you can amend the display of information for each of these categories.

When you make changes to these categories, remember that the changes will be applied globally. Therefore, if you have deselected an item, users will not be able to select this item for display when in their Planners.


In each category, tick the items you want to display, or untick them so they do not display.


The Leave Approved item has an active box in the Outlook column. If you tick this box it means that the approved leave dates will be added to the employee's calendar in Microsoft Outlook.


You can choose colours to be associated with items displayed on the Planners. Click on the box in the Colour column to open the colour palette. Select the preferred colour and it will automatically apply this colour to the box for that item.


Repeat this for each category, as required. Once you have completed the changes, click Update.


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